Soup of the Day

Today was a boring day. Every single day feels like a boring day. I had lunch with my business partner, Joseph Jukic. We went for Vietnamese soup—pho, as usual. It was good, but it’s always the same. After lunch, we headed to Café Serra to talk politics, which is what we always do.

Joe started going on about his Freemason stories again. He loves those stories—secret meetings, hidden symbols, and all that—but nobody wanted to hear it. People were polite, nodding here and there, but you could see it in their eyes. They were tuning out. Even I’ve heard these stories a hundred times. I wonder if he notices. Probably not.

I can’t help but feel like we’re stuck in a loop. Same places, same conversations, same routine. It’s like the world is moving forward, but we’re standing still. Maybe tomorrow will be different, but I doubt it.

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